Saturday, May 26, 2012

If you do not find time for exercise you will...

have to find time for illness.
It can be so difficult to find a balance between caring too much for our bodies and caring too little.  I'm afraid I fall into the second group.  I get so busy, and the first thing to go will be exercise.  Even my fall back exercise, walking the dog, will get delegated to my daughter.
Our bodies are the only living sacrifice we have to offer God (Proverbs 4:23).  If we are too busy to take care of our bodies, are we busier than God wants us to be?
I recently got a new toy for Mother's Day

This little beauty keeps me movin'! I don't belong to a gym, so that's how I justified requesting it ;). 
Find a way to keep motivated! Having an exercise partner helps, but if you don't have that connection with someone then try an on-line group.  I recently found out about and I love the site.  It tracks your food intake, exercise, and has support groups.
It's spring! Let's get going!  Having a healthy body that can move you and house an active mind and a loving's a blessing!

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